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Galleri Finsrud

GALLERI FINSRUD is the name of two huge galleries, both located in the Frogn municipality of Norway. The size of the galleries is at whole 2500 square metre, and it forms the settings around Reidar Finsruds production and activities.

Reidar Finsrud is today regarded by many as one of the worlds most versatile artists. He works within the majority of thinkable formats and techniques. Painting, drawing, graphic and sculpturing. He does lectures at many topics, and has held his own art school since 1975. He's been thorough the fields of new and modern thinking, especially around technical inventions and industrial design. The technical insight of Mr. Finsrud is shown throughout machines like his handmade grand scaled graphic printing press, and all the machinery in context with his own techniques of casting. The now world known Finsrud Perpetual Mobile from 1996, came as a climax in the line of his numerous technical constructions. With "work years" at about 5000 hours, from the age of 16, Reidar Finsrud is today in possession of a broad experience basis at whole 110 normal annual works. If you count the "work years" and take them into consideration, Reidar Finsrud would be a 128 years old man. This may give him a little "head start".

If these Web pages shall give a good orientation around the activities of Reidar Finsrud, they have to be worked with weekly, something we have been very bad at. Thereby: This page is not finished, and will likely never be. But, more pictures and information will be added in the future, so with patience we'll size it up and build it huge.

Galleri Finsrud på Bilitt i Frogn/Drøbak

HEAD OFFICE: PHONE 64 93 23 99

Open all weekdays 12:00-17:00
Saturday 12:00-16:00

• Finsrud City - Miniature world •
• The women series: Sculptures and paintings •
• The Perpetual Mobile sculpture •
• The big Blücher painting •
• The star sign plates •
• The Phenisaurs •
• Lightshow paintings and much more •

Tour and talks is held by Reidar Finsrud on request.

Galleri Finsrud avdeling på Torkilfstranda i Drøbak/Frogn

PHONE 64 93 11 70 - 64 93 16 07

• Exhibitions •
• Studio / Workshops •
• Academy: Drawing and painting school •
• Frame Workshop •
• Art materials •

Open all weekdays 12:00-15:00
Expanded opening hours at Mondays and Thursdays 12:00-19:00
Saturday 12:00-16:00

Tegne og malerskole

Galleri Finsrud Tegne- og Maleskole etablert i 1975
Kursene starter i januar og august. Kurs i sort/hvitt muligheter og teknikk, materiallære og aktmaling. Påmelding over telefon 64 93 23 99 (alle hverdager kl. 12:00-17:00, lørdag kl. 12:00-16:00), eventuelt send e-mail til Galleri Finsrud med kontaktinformasjon. Vi har løpende påmelding hele året.

Rammeverksted / butikk

Galleri Finsrud - Badeveien 12, 1440 Drøbak
Har du bilder eller foto som trenger innramming? Trenger du farger, materiell og utstyr for kunstnerisk utfoldelse? Vi tilbyr et stort utvalg av kjente og gode produkter. Har du spørsmål, ta kontakt - Vi har nå 35 års erfaring som rammeverksted i Akershus. Vårt rammeverksted og utsalg av kunstnermateriell finner du på Torkildstranda i Frogn kommune.

Besøk oss

Galleri Finsrud - Bilitt: Osloveien 272, 1440 Drøbak. Telefon: 64 93 23 99 (åpent alle hverdager kl. 12:00-17:00, lørdag kl. 12:00-16:00).

Galleri Finsrud - Torkildstranda: Badeveien 12, 1440 Drøbak. Telefon: 64 93 16 07 (åpent alle hverdager kl. 12:00-15:00, mandag og torsdag 12:00-19:00, lørdag kl. 12:00-16:00).

Vår utstilling

Galleri Finsrud - Osloveien 272, 1440 Drøbak
Utstilling av Reidar Finsrud's arbeid på Bilitt i Frogn kommune. Reidar presenterer kunst i mange sjangre etter over 40 år som aktiv kunstner. Skulpturer, oljemalerier, grafikk, akvarell, kull og kritt tegninger, enn videre.